Tomorrow (Saturday) is 24 hour comic day where cartoonists all over the world bust their butts to try to draw 24 pages of comics in 24 hours. That’s an incredible effort. I’ve done it a couple times before. It’s exhausting, but I love it.

I’m going to try something a little different this year. I’m going to draw backup stories for Incredible Doom, little glimpses into the world of the comic that we didn’t get to see in the regular series.

Things like:

What did Sam’s dad and Allisons dad say to each other the moment after their kids drove away together in the station wagon?

Who was the first girl that Tina had a crush on and what was that like?

There was a hint that that there might be more to Ryan, the jerk from issue two who was torturing Richard but we different never really found out what. Is there more to be told there? I don’t know!

I’m going try to find out, by writing and drawing like crazy this weekend. These comics are going to be pretty rough, as is tradition for 24 hour comic day, but I think they should also be pretty cool.

So keep an eye on Patreon Lens or Instagram (where I may even try live-streaming) for updates.

I’ll post at least one comic for all patrons to read, and the rest of whatever I get done will go to the patrons at the $10 “Backup Story” level.

I’m excited. This should be fun!

By the way, Issue 5 should be hitting the mail for patrons next weekend. So if you want one become a member soon.