<img src=”https://matthewbogart.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/23_image-asset.png” alt=” “Oh, It’s the End of the World” page 8 by Matthew Bogart  Howard, Erin and Neil walk along a rail road track. Neil throws a 2 letter bottle of soda into the air. The bottle knocks it’s cap off and shoots up into the sky. Erin and Howard chuckle. Erin looks at howard. “/>

  <a href="http://matthewbogart.net/ohits-page7" ><img src="https://matthewbogart.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/24_image-asset.png" alt=" "Oh, It's the End of the World" Page 9 by Matthew Bogart  While Neil waits at a crosswalk a green ooze splits open a crack in the sidewalk. "/></a>